DigiHealth is a proactive healthcare platform, empowering users to prioritize their well-being through preventive measures. Stay ahead of health concerns with personalized resources and expert guidance.


Project Type : End to end responsive website and Branding

Role : Sole UX and UI Designer, Brand Designer with critique and mentor supervision

Industry: Health and Wellness

Tools: Figma, Miro, Zoom, Optimal Workshop , Whimsical

Duration: 1 month

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Going to the problem root

Research and interviews

Validate if the ideas worked

Design and build solution

How is the problem currently addressed

Analyse your feedback

Flows, sketch and diagram

Does the design solution solve the problem

Getting to the goal with first testing

Iteration based on feedback

Usability Testing

VR2 iteration based on usability testing

Final design & future feature

How might we help improve the situation

Aligning solution to research

DigiHealth is a proactive healthcare platform, empowering users to prioritise their well-being through preventive measures. Stay ahead of health concerns with personalised resources and expert guidance.











In places like Nigeria, many people may not have easy access to healthcare information or resources, and health issues often go unnoticed until they become severe. This project is looking at these challenges and thinking about ways to help.

Going to the root of Nigeria health system

The problem


Many routinely miss or ignore their body’s warnings about the onset of a serious chronic disease or are unable to receive preventive care due to social or economic barriers.

UNICEF said in a recent report that “preventable or treatable infectious diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, and HIV/AIDS account for more than 70% of the estimated one million deaths in Nigeria”.

Key Notes I learnt from the problem

Despite awareness of health risks like smoking, many neglect preventive care, leading to preventable deaths.

To address this, promoting early awareness and prioritising healthy living are crucial steps for reducing mortality rates, especially in populations facing social and economic barriers to healthcare access

How is this problem currently solved

What are other companies in Nigeria doing to help with this issue?

From my research, I found out that Nigeria doesn't have enough resources or platforms to handle this issue. There's hardly a single website providing personalised health solutions for people.

I didn't let that stop me from moving forward. I thought creatively and searched for competitors beyond Nigeria's demographics. I compared the features, strengths, and weaknesses of four personalized health websites. This helped me get ready for user interviews by understanding what resources our users already had.

Key Notes I learnt from the competitive analysis

From my analysis, I learned the importance of accurate food databases for calorie tracking from MyFitnessPal and the need for integrating mental health resources from Tebra. Dr. On Demand highlighted the value of telemedicine services, while Healthline emphasised engaging health content.

Additionally, I noticed common weaknesses, such as inaccuracies in food databases and limited mental health resources. These insights guide my decisions in enhancing our product's functionalities and addressing similar weaknesses effectively.

I believe I need to clear things up and listen to what users have to say


Finding the Problem

Interview Strategy

Mapping out Patterns

Grouping Patterns into Categories

Painpoints Identified Through Affininity Mapping


Assumption and Risk

Target Audience

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."

Alan Lakein

To make sure my interviews are effective, I thought about what I want to achieve from them.

Interview Goal

My goal is to know the unique challenges and needs that can help people in taking preventive healthcare precautions for the Nigerian population so that I can develop a tailored health app and website, that addresses these specific issues and promotes proactive health practices.

To focus my goal on specific areas during interviews, I defined clear objectives.

Interview Objectives

Identify prevalent health issues in Nigeria, focusing on issues that often go undetected.

Evaluate the level of digital literacy within the Nigerian demographic to identify potential barriers to accessing health information and resources.

To know the current health practices and habits among the Nigerian population, by examining both positive and negative behaviours related to preventive healthcare.

Evaluate technology adoption for preventive healthcare.

Understand the patterns of health-seeking behavior, including factors that prompt individuals to seek medical attention and those that hinder timely healthcare engagement.

"In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope as long as it doesn't keep you from planning for risk."

Brennan Manning

After setting a clear objective for the interview, I considered potential risks that might affect its success or make participants uncomfortable, and I prepared to address them.

Assumption: Assuming widespread digital accessibility may not hold true, and busy people may not have time for moderated interviews.

Risk mitigation: Implementing diverse recruitment methods, including offline channels by meeting with people in person, also drafting detailed survey questions that meet all the needs and questions I intend to ask, this will help to ensure representation from individuals with varying levels of digital access.

Assumption: Assuming that individuals will not openly discuss their health challenges because of the fear of societal stigma.

Risk mitigation: Ensuring participant confidentiality and anonymity in interviews and surveys, creating a safe space for open and honest discussions.

Assumption: Assuming I will have challenges in reaching diverse communities for interviews

Risk mitigation: Building strong community connections by telling people to also share the survey with their network.

To ensure I interviewed the correct users, I identified potential target users who would benefit from the product.

Users with a family history of chronic diseases.

People who find interest in living a healthy life.

Older adults who may have unique health needs and preferences

Users managing chronic diseases, whether new or long-standing.

Key Notes I learned from planning before conducting interviews.

The planning process before conducting interviews taught me valuable lessons.

By setting clear goals and objectives, identifying potential risks, and defining target users, I gained valuable insights.

This preparation not only helped in addressing users effectively and asking relevant questions but also in creating a comfortable environment for participants. Overall, this process facilitated informed decision-making and guided me forward in the interview process.

Meeting with the Interviewees

I conducted both qualitative and quantitative analysis research. I did a moderated interview for 6 people and I was able to gather 60 responses from my survey questions.

After interviewing participants, I reviewed recorded interview responses and used sticky notes to capture key points from each participant's feedback.

Summarised key notes from both survey and moderated interview

Gender & Age

78% are age between 20-40 followed by age 50 and above.

66% are mostly Female.



Health Issues

70% Majority are currently nursing health crises



Access to care

66% of people lack easy access to healthcare, while the remainder have only moderate access.



Health Awareness

The majority depended on visiting the hospital to obtain firsthand information about their health or symptoms, while others turned to Google for information.



Focusing on the need and not the assumption

Having compiled insights from each participant, I proceeded to discern patterns and recurring issues that exhibited similarity across the responses. This process involved systematically identifying common themes and trends to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the prevalent challenges and concerns expressed by the interviewees.

After identifying recurring patterns in the responses, I proceeded to categorize each observation. This involved systematically grouping related insights into distinct categories, allowing for a more organised and nuanced understanding of the prevalent themes within the interviewee feedback.

Following the categorisation process, I further refined the analysis by summarising each category into a distinct problem. This step aimed to streamline the complexities inherent in multiple observations, making it easier to distill and comprehend the key issues identified during the interviews.

Key Notes I learned from affinity mapping

I studied various articles and guides to grasp the concept of affinity mapping and effectively apply it to this project

From affinity mapping, I learned how to organise and group diverse data and insights gathered from interviews and research into meaningful categories. This method helped in identifying common themes and patterns, enabling a clearer understanding of the main problems faced by users.

I started turning problems into opportunities by making a "How Might We" (HMW) and a related Point of View (POV) statement. This method helps me look at problems in a new way, coming up with creative ideas and finding good solutions.

How might we help ?


Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognise them."

Ann Landers

Flipping problems into opportunities

Crafting a Persona

In other to help bring user needs, goals, and behaviours to life, I created a persona to make informed decisions based on their perspective. This helps to provide a focal point for design decisions, ensuring that the final product meets the needs and preferences of the intended users.

Flipping solutions into ideas

Creating a Mental Model

Sketching out design ideas

Testing the Functionality of the Design Solution

I adopted analogous inspirational tools, did another round of competitive analysis that involves identifying who else is solving the same problem in industries and how they use their special features to achieve the goal.

After collecting insights from the extra competitive analysis, I began brainstorming various ideas to address each problem.

Impactful Ideas

Turning HMW into ideas



Lemonaid Health

Maven Clinic


The who

Zocdoc: Online appointment scheduling, search for nearer location.

Teladoc: Virtual visits with doctors, therapists, and specialists for convenient access to healthcare services from home.

Lemonaid Health: Online consultations and prescriptions for medical conditions.

Maven Clinic: Virtual consultations, health plan, resource centre, testimonials

The How

Does it solve the problem?

I simplify ideas for each problem into ones that are easy to accomplish, and outline how they tackle the main challenges in each problem area.

Using this approach, I managed to condense my final ideas into 5 key features.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs

24/7 online virtual consultation

Symptoms checker/ diagnoses

Resource hub for health topics

Add your personal doctor to the platform for follow up

Alarm for reminder

Final Idea

Key Notes I learned from ideated feature

I've realized how this process helps me in crafting innovative solutions. By delving into HMW and Point of View statements, I've learned to channel my thoughts into actionable insights. Drawing inspiration from analogous approaches.

Ultimately, this process has empowered me to craft solutions that not only address user needs but also spark meaningful change.

Content Strategy


Card sorting analysis

I moved to the stage of identifying how users group words on cards into categories in a way that makes sense to them, this will help me make sure the information architecture is placed where it can be easily identified.

I carefully curated a set of 50 cards, presenting participants with a diverse array of terms related to preventive preventive health care.


All participants unanimously grouped fitness and exercise under the lifestyle, 80% associated vision, dental, medication, and prescription with the insurance category . Similarly, 83% linked long-term care and preventive medication to the check-ups category, indicating a consistent pattern in how participants perceived and organized these concepts.

Sorting with Participants

Ambiguity in words

Six participants was engaged in the process of grouping various words into categories

The card sort revealed the necessity for clearer labels and wording for categories and topics, initiating UX iterations in the project's development process.

Key Notes I learned from card sorting feedback & insights

The feedback and insights gathered from the card sorting activity provided valuable perspectives on how participants mentally categorise health-related concepts.

Agreement on groupings like fitness under lifestyle suggests common associations. Differences in preferences offer insights into individual perspectives, aiding information architecture decisions.


Reflecting on the overall project for preventive healthcare, it was a valuable journey that emphasized the importance of user-centered design, iterative refinement, and clear communication to create a more effective and accessible solution for managing health concerns.

The process involved addressing user feedback, simplifying interactions, and correcting design errors, leading to a more intuitive and reliable tool. Ultimately,

I successfully solved the problem of users struggling to find relevant medical professionals and manage their health concerns efficiently by creating a streamlined platform that facilitates easy access to healthcare resources and personalized symptom analysis.

Putting into consideration the mental perspective of how participant group words into categories they are familiar with, I created a first version of site map

Sitemap Diagramming

User Journey

After completing the site mapping, I proceeded to create the first version of the user journey, taking into account how participants mentally categorize and group information.

After mapping out the site, I started sketching the initial design. I thought about how users group and understand information to make the design easy to use. These sketches helped me explore different layouts and ideas, setting the stage for the final design and user experience.

After sketching the layout, I moved on to creating low-fidelity prototypes. These simple, basic versions of the design helped me quickly test and refine the layout and functionality. By focusing on the core structure without getting bogged down by details, I could easily identify what worked well and what needed improvement.

After creating the low-fidelity prototypes, I proceeded to develop high-fidelity versions. These detailed and polished designs included real content, colors, and interactive elements, providing a realistic view of the final design.

After I finished with the high-fidelity design, I conducted usability testing for both web and it responsive app by interviewing 5 people. I created a research plan and drafted a testing plan to guide the process. This helped me gather valuable feedback and insights to further refine the design and ensure it was user-friendly and effective.

I got a lot of feedback from the usability testing based on the following flow task:

Sign Up to the Website

Searching and Booking Doctors Appointment

Checking Symptoms

Setting an Alarm for Upcoming Doctors Appointment

The testing results provided valuable feedback, revealing that users found the design intuitive and easy to navigate, but highlighted areas for improvement

The completion rate for the first two tasks was 100%, while the third and forth task had a completion rate of 83.33%. These insights guided the iterative process, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly final design.

I got a lot of feedback from the usability testing, with the majority focusing on simplifying certain interactions to make the user experience smoother, enhancing the clarity of instructions, and adjusting the layout to better meet user expectations.

To address this feedback, I developed a Feedback Matrix to identify the most critical revisions. I prioritized these revisions by counting how often each issue was mentioned by individual users. This approach ensured that the most frequently reported concerns were addressed first, leading to more effective and targeted improvements.


Usability Testing



Other Case Study

User Feedback

Prioritising Feedback for final Iteration

Low Fidelity Design

Desktop Low Fi

HI Fidelity Design

The problem of people having to wait a long time before seeing a doctor was solved by allowing them

to search for and book an appointment with a doctor in their area of concern withiout having to wait.

A streamlined onboarding process that caters to users of all ages and backgrounds

Macbook Pro


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Your Go To Destination For A Proactive Healthcare

Empowering you with personalised health insights, our platform is designed to help you stay ahead of potential health issues. Explore a wealth of resources and take charge of your well-being.


With our professional expertise, you get seamless appointment booking for personalised health consultations.


Effortlessly assess your symptoms and receive valuable insights into potential ailments through our intuitive platform.

Learning Hub

You can access a wealth of health insights, expert knowledge, and valuable information to empower your wellness journey.

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Discover And Get A Personalised Preventive Measures Tailored to Your Unique Health Journey

Experience personalised preventive healthcare on our platform, where we tailor measures to address your unique health profile and goals.

Whether it's personalised nutrition plans, fitness routines, or expert advice, we are committed to guiding you on a health journey that suits you best.

Embrace a proactive and individualised approach to wellness with our comprehensive range of personalised preventive measures.




Dr Richard Williams

Diabetes specialist

Dr Racheal Thoms

Cancer specialist

Dr Hafsoh Omolola

Therapist specialist

Dr Folarin Temitope

Cancer specialist

Dr Halimah Robbert

General medicine specialist

Dr Sofiyyah Adeniran

Amnesia specialist

Dr Sofiyyah Adeniran

Amnesia specialist

Dr Sofiyyah Adeniran

Amnesia specialist

Our professionals are passionate experts dedicated to your well-being and vitality.

With a commitment to your well-being, our experts deliver personalized care and advice virtually, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience. Your health is our priority, and we are here to empower you with the expertise you need for a healthier life

Book A Session

A Nutrition And Fitness Tracker Just For you

Skip the Lines, Begin Your Healthcare Journey Anywhere You Are

Effortlessly track your diet and maintain optimal sugar levels with our Nutrition and Fitness Tracker, ensuring a personalised and healthy lifestyle tailored to your well-being.

Experience healthcare at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Skip the queues and connect with experts on your terms. Follow these simple steps to begin your journey.

What You Get And How It Works

With intuitive functionalities like personalised meal recommendations, calorie tracking, and nutritional analysis, achieving and maintaining your health goals has never been easier.


Fitness / Exercise

Nutrition and Calorie Tracker

Answer onboarding questions, set health goals, and unlock a personalised dashboard for effective tracking and achievement of your wellness objectives.

Stay motivated and receive timely insights on achieving your fitness goals with personalised alarms and exercise guidance

Scan and check the calorie and sugar content of your food to get accurate information aligned with your health goals.

Ease Your Concerns And Discover the Medical Meaning Behind Your Symptoms.

Uncover the precise medical reasons behind your symptoms by answering a few simple questions, providing you with valuable insights and understanding without unnecessary worry.

Check your symptoms

Book Your Appointment Now

Enter your email


Reserve your spot Today


Type your concerns with key words

Find specialists tailored to your specific medical needs.Do not worry, we have you.

Search for Expert

Select your preferred medical specialist based on their outstanding reviews and testimonials

Choose Preferred Expert

Schedule at your convenience, choosing the time and date that suits you best.

Book Your Appointment

Explore Our Pricing and Subscriptions

Unlock a world of health benefits by subscribing to our affordable plans. Prioritize your well-being with our subscription plans and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you.


$ 0.00 / mon

Enjoy Limited access

Platform is free with limited features but consultation fee apply.


$ 10.00 / mon

Subscribe Now

Recurring monthly payment, cancel anytime.


$ 50.00 / Year

Subscribe Now

One time payment

Most Popular




What you will enjoy for free.

What you will enjoy for starter.

What you will enjoy as premium user.

Search various expert of your choice

Search various expert of your choice

Search various expert of your choice

Book expert appointment

Book expert appointment

Book expert appointment

Set Alarm

Set Alarm

Set Alarm

Limited access to learning hub

Symptoms Checker

Unlimited access to learning hub

Symptoms Checker

Personalised Dashboard

Personalised Dashboard

Nutrition guide

Nutrition guide

QR code scanner

QR code scanner

Unlimited access to learning hub

Symptoms Checker

Personalised Dashboard

Nutrition Guide

QR code scanner

Invite your specialist

Invite your specialist

Invite your specialist

Unlimited messages

Unlimited messages

Unlimited messages

Calorie and sugar tracker

Calorie and sugar tracker

Calorie and sugar tracker

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore common queries and find quick answers in our Frequently Asked Questions. Discover insights, troubleshoot, and make the most of your preventive health journey with ease

Is the platform free for new users

Can I trust the symptoms result and take action on it

Is the calorie tracker accurate

Can I invite my physician to my dashboard

Do you accept instalment payment

What type of payment card do you accept

Access valuable guidance and tips on various health issues for free. Subscribe to receive regular educational content tailored to your well-being journey.

Get Free Guidance and Tips to any health issues. Take charge of your health today!

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Begin your journey by signing up and answering our onboarding questions to kickstart the experience. you will never regret.

What is your preferred name ?

Type your name here and click continue



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Get Started / Sign Up

Begin your journey by signing up and answering our onboarding questions to kickstart the experience. you will never regret.

What is your primary health goal ?

Fitness / Weight Loss

Taking Medication On time

Keeping Track of My Blood Sugar

Nutrition / Calorie Tracker

Staying Healthy

Other feature


Users who do not know about their ailment until it gets severe are solved by analyzing

their symptoms to give them a heads-up before confirming with a physician.

Dropdown In Search Bar

This choice confused users, as they expected a simple search function rather than additional options. It disrupted the user experience, making the interface less intuitive and harder to navigate.

Simplifying Language

Users found the phrase "get personalised symptoms" confusing and they did not easily grapes what it means.

Doctor instead of Expert

The term "Find Doctor" was more straightforward and immediately conveyed the purpose of the feature, whereas "Find Expert" was vague and less intuitive.

Sign-Up and Sign-In

Combining "Sign Up" and "Sign In" in Grt Started confused users, requiring them to click twice to log in instead of once.

Doctor instead of Expert

Correcting these errors improved the clarity and professionalism of the content, ensuring users could easily understand and trust the information presented

Personalised Styling App

Haulage Responsive Web

Contactless Digital Card

Fintech App